Monday 28 July 2014

Microsoft advertises Cortana-packed Nokia Lumia 635 using Apple's Siri (video)

pNo stranger to the kind-hearted publicity stunts that have made HTC look so noble recently, Microsoft is back in cheap jab mode, going for Apple’s jugular from two directions at once in the latest Nokia Lumia 635 commercial.

What could the low-cost, low-end Windows Phone 8.1-running Lumia 635 and upscale, high-end iOS-powered Apple iPhone 5s possibly have in common? On the surface, they target very different audiences, but we’re guessing that’s exactly the point Microsoft wants to get across in a short but sassy 30-second ad.

Well, one of two points at least, as the iPhone 5s is made to seem both overpriced and impractical in the increasingly competitive voice assistant department. Basically, MS claims that, despite its hefty retail cost “superiority”, Apple’s “cutting-edge” 4 incher is outperformed by the largest but theoretically more modest 4.5 incher in key areas.

This is actually not the first time a phony Siri has been used to make a Windows product look good, as back in the day the iPad was compared to a slew of Win 8 tabs and ultimately ridiculed in a similar fashion. With a little extra humor, if I may say so.

But the lack of (elegant) humor isn’t Redmond’s biggest problem this time around. It’s the courage, nay foolishness to trumpet a feature just introduced on the platform but present on iOS for years now that irks.

Sure, Cortana has its advantages over Siri nowadays, but where was it when the latter debuted, back in October 2011, on the iPhone 4s? Besides, according to many an online reviewer and tester, both Cortana and Siri have their upsides and flaws, and in the end, they mostly even out for a tie in the fierce head-to-head clash. How do you like them apples, Microsoft?

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via Hardware Forums

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