Monday 28 July 2014

Gigantic 5.9-inch Google/Motorola Nexus 'Shamu' tipped for fall launch

Since it’s been practically established that Google’s Nexus line has a healthy future ahead of it, it’s time to welcome back Nexus 6 rumors, now hinting at a “killer”, gargantuan 5.9-inch model co-manufactured by, surprise, surprise, Motorola.

Hey there, gossipers and rumor mongers, what say we kick off the week with a story that, were it not for its source’s credibility, would be filed under wild fantasies and be forgotten almost instantaneously? Heck, if Android Police hadn’t given it a 6.5 out of 10 confidence level, we’d have probably never bothered with it in the first place.

Of course, 6.5 isn’t that much, so keep the salt shakers nearby, locked and loaded. All caution accounted for, it appears Google and Motorola’s family ties are yet to be broken by the latter’s imminent Lenovo buyout.

So no, the LG Nexus 6 will indeed never materialize, but an out-of-the-blue-surfaced Motorola Nexus 6 could become reality around November. With Android L, KitKat’s follow-up, pre-loaded, and, get this, a 5.9-inch display. Also, fingerprint recognition technology.

The device is reportedly codenamed “Shamu” after the notorious killer orca, suggesting we’re dealing with a whale of a phone (screen diagonal-wise, hopefully, not weight-wise), and a high-ender aimed at the likes of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4. So, um, what’s the point of the Android Silver program again?

Your guess is really as good as ours. Given all the conflicting reports floating around of late, we wouldn’t rule out the Silver family ultimately being the big, fat lie. Think about it, it’s done a splendid job thus far as a distraction from Nexus 6 Shamu and Nexus 9 Volantis stories.

Source: Android Police

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