Monday 22 December 2014

Speeding up internet access/home WiFi

Okay so are there any ways to speed up internet connection? I was trying to read up on home networks and found something about switches/routers but I have no clue what those are and what the difference between them is or even if this has anything to do with connection speed. I have multiple different devices and do many things from streaming videos to videogaming.

Any suggestions/help?

via Hardware Forums

1 comment:

  1. Try with some of the basic tips for faster and better internet connection,
    * Check the Start up programs and remove the unwanted
    * Maintain a Decent Space limit at Hard drive
    * Check for Malware, Spyware and bots
    * Clear cookies and temporary history files
    * Close unwanted background tasks if any
    * Reset the modem
    * Check the wiring
    * Browse with latest and updated browser
    * Download using torrents
    * Upgrade your hardware
    Following these steps may fetch you a better result. You can see the difference in your connection speed by having a speed test before and after performing these steps. You can have speed test for free from . You will definitely see the difference.
