Monday 24 March 2014

Question: M1 + HG8240 + Web Server / IP Camera @ Home


I would like to know from new (since January 2014) M1 customers running a Web Server at home if they encountered any problem with the duo M1 + HG8240 concerning the usual ports (80, 443, 22, 25, etc...)

I'm planning to switch from SingTel ADSLbasic MioTV bundle (6Mbps at ~S$50/month :mad:) to M1 FBB 200Mbps (S$39/month :thumb2:) but I'm scarred to face the same very weird issue that a colleague is facing now:

his SingTel FBB seems blocked on port 80. Other ports seem OK.

It's just like if SingTel is using that port 80 fro some remote management...

Sounds crazy to me but I checked, re-checked, re-re-checked and the problem persist...

Well, no point to troubleshoot my colleague's problem on this thread, I may create a new one for him, if necessary, later. ;)

I'm still waiting for him to supply the ONT brand and model in use. His Phone line is coming directly from the ONT.

Thank you in advance for your feedback guys ! :)


via Hardware Forums

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