Friday, 28 February 2014

WeChat makes its way to Mac OS X

WeChat is late to the game on the desktop, as Japanese rival Line already has an established desktop presence. *

Third party IM clients are the talk of the town now. Just recently*Facebook acquired WhatsApp for a resounding $19 billion, which speaks volumes of the rapid growth of such apps.

Yet another popular cross platform instant messaging app, WeChat, has just begun its expansion into the desktop segment by launching its dedicated app for Mac OS X. There is talk of WeChat being launched on Windows machines as well, which doesn’t sound farfetched given the company’s expansion plans. The app is compatible with any Macs running OS X 10.7 Lion or above.

This move by WeChat is seen as a counter action against another IM client Line, which is popular in Japan and Japan aligned countries like Taiwan. The Line client has already made its way to Windows computers and Macs, so it was only logical for WeChat to enter the fray as well.

WeChat users will be greeted to a very familiar user interface with the Mac iteration with immediate syncing of contacts and messages. Functionality wise, there’s nothing different here and you will be able to chat with all your WeChat contacts across platforms just like you would on your iPhone or Android app. WeChat has a browser version as well, but the launch of a native Mac client is very welcome.

Can we expect WhatsApp to begin such an expansion? Only time will tell.

Via: The Next Web

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